
Lazy Sundays

Most weekends right now are either spent with me working or Brian working. With graduation being just over two months away for Brian (and 5 1/2 years coming) he is busy working on so many projects I can't even keep them straight! While I am holding down 2 part time jobs waiting for said graduation so that we can figure out where we will be living based on the job he gets. Only then can I start applying to be a Police Officer.

All that to say, we are usually very very busy people... or just tired people. Either way, we took this weekend as an opportunity to actually spend some time together. And it was nothing crazy. We both woke up as late as possible, he took Arwen out to potty while I rolled over and went back to sleep. (I am anything but a morning person.) Starbucks for lunch, took Arwen to the dog park where she played non-stop for an hour or so, home to play on our addictions (AKA computers) and then off to the park for a picnic dinner. Simple. Chill. Perfect.

With how crazy our lives are and how insane and impossible things seem like they can be sometimes, it is days like these I am reminded why I married this man. We can manage to find the most perfect way to just be together and yet manage to have done nothing really major at all. It isn't always about the super excited and expensively romantic things we do. Sometimes it is just about spending lazy Sunday's together just being that. Together.

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